
Getting to know Gen Z: which brands are hot!

You have to keep in constant touch with what’s hot and what’s not with Generation Z, a large...

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What’s on your mind? How your generation affects your decisions.

Money, bells, and whistles won’t win the hearts of American consumers. But, learning about a...

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Want to Recruit the Best Millennial Employees? Here’s how!

If you want the cream of the Millennial crop as your employees, use your charitable endeavors as a recruiting...

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Millennial Women Want You to Market With Them, Not To Them!

Technology greatly impacted the millennial woman’s formative years. She doesn’t know life without the...

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Want Millennials’ Business? Make it personal!

A major influence on millennials’ style and lifestyle is their need for personalization. If you’ve...

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A Generational Profile of Millennial Edward Snowden

Each of America’s six living generations has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, forged by the historic...

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Millennials’ Concerns Must Be Your Concerns

Companies that seek millennials’ business are companies that promote millennial social values and...

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Why Millennial Women Matter!

Millennials, aka Gen Ys, were born between 1982 and 2000. Today, they number about 80 million men and women and...

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Why “An Army of None”? It’s Generational!

In a 2013 article “An Army of None”, Tim Kane did a masterful job of highlighting research, reports,...

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Hillary and the Millennials

Hillary Clinton knows the millennial vote is critical to her 2016 presidential objective. She must have their...

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When America Elected Its First Catholic President

In 1960, presidential candidate John F. Kennedy gave a speech to a group of Protestant ministers. At that time,...

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G.I. Generation’s JFK on Religion and Government

“I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute, where no Catholic prelate...

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